Z. M. Geballe, S. M. Vitale, J. Yang, F. Miozzi, V. V. Dobrosavljevic, M. J. Walter. (2024). A diamond anvil microassembly for Joule heating and electrical measurements up to 150 GPa and 4000 K. Journal of Applied Physics, 135(9).
C. C. Zurkowski, J. Yang, F. Miozzi, S. Vitale, E. F. O'Bannon III, A. Jenei, ... Y. Fei. (2024). Exploring toroidial anvil profiles for larger sample volumes above 4 Mbar. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 11412.
S. M. Vitale & J. D. Sugar. (2023). Lessons Learned from Failed TEM Sample Preparation Attempts Using a Focused Ion Beam. Microscopy and Microanalysis 29(S1).
J. D. Sugar, S. M. Vitale, M. Shivanna & V. Stavila. (2023). TEM Sample Preparation and Microstructural Characterization of Air Sensitive, um-scale, Infiltrated MOF-Based Particles. Microscopy and Microanalysis 29(S1).
S. M. Vitale, Z. Geballe, J. Yang (2022). Building In-Situ Diamond Anvil Cell Sample Assemblies with Xe PFIB. Microscopy and Microanalysis 28(S1).
P. G. Kotula, S. M. Vitale, D. L. Perry, D. P. Cummings, J. Deitz, J. R. Michael (2022). Focused Ion Beam Preparation of Low Melting Point Metals: Lessons Learned from Pb/Sn Solders. Microscopy and Microanalysis 28(S1).
J. D. Sugar & S. Vitale (2022). Ion-Beam Induced Structural Transformations in Austenitic Stainless Steels. Microscopy and Microanalysis 28(S1).
E. S. Steenstra, O. T. Lord, S. Vitale, E. S. Bullock, S. Klemme, M. Walter. (2022). Sulfur solubility in a deep magma ocean and implications for the deep sulfur cycle. Geochemical Perspective Letters, 22, 5-9.
S. M. Vitale & J. D. Sugar (2022). Using Xe Plasma FIB for High-Quality TEM Sample Preparation. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28(3), 646-658.
A. Steele, L. G. Benning, R. Wirth, A. Schrieber, T. Araki, F. M. McCubbin, M. D. Fries, L. R. Nittler, J. Wang, L. J. Hallis, P. G. Conrad, C. Conley, S. Vitale, A. C. O’Brien, V. Riggi, K. Rogers (2022). Organic synthesis associated with serpentinization and carbonation on early Mars. Science, 375 (6577), 172-177.
S. Vitale & J. D. Sugar (2021). Expanding the Capability of Xe Plasma Focused Ion Beam Sample Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis 27(S1), 218-219.
J. Sugar, N. Bartelt, D. Robinson, B. Antoun, C. San Marchi, T. Smith, C. Alleman, H. Ding, D. Ding, S. Vitale (2020). Three-dimensional Analysis of Materials at Multiple Length Scales. Microscopy and Microanalysis 26(S2), 1680-1682.
N. R. Catarineu, N. C. Bartelt, J. D. Sugar, S. M. Vitale, K. L. Shanahan, D. B. Robinson (2019). Three-Dimensional Maps of Helium Nanobubbles to Probe the Mechanism of Bubble Nucleation and Growth. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(31), 19142-19152.
S. Vitale, A. Steele, L. G. Benning, R. Wirth (2019). Semi-Inverted Sample Preparation of Meteorites for High Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopy Using Correlative Raman Spectroscopy and Xe Plasma FIB. Microscopy and Microanalysis 25(S2), 894-895.
S. Vitale, J. D. Sugar, P. J. Cappillino, L. A. Giannuzzi, D. B. Robinson (2016). Site Specific Preparation of Powders for High-Resolution Analytical Electron Microscopy Using a Ga+ Focused Ion Beam. Microscopy and Microanalysis 22(S3), 180-181.